Thursday 27 September 2012

Alcoholics Anonymous

With alcohol becoming a staple within out diet, and the addictive alcoholic substance becoming so easy to purchase, are we becoming as society controlled by the drink? Alcoholics Anonymous also known as AA is a foundation created world wide to provide help to those with an alcoholic substance abuse problem. The goal of  the AA program is much more complicated than just staying abstinence from drinking alcohol. Its goal is to change the critical thinking of the inner alcoholic's mind set "to bring about recovery from alcoholism". This is done through a 12 step program,  its Members are encouraged to find an reformed alcoholic to guide them through the process of the program and to help with the obstacles along the way. Ideally with binge drinking becoming so common within our society today AA is becoming a regular occurrence for many of its drinkers, Alcohol is an addictive "drug" in which we use and abuse on a regular basis.

We all love to have the occasional drink don't we? I know that many of those "quiet" nights have turned into " what happened last night?" Yes we have all experienced those nights, and just quietly those are the best kind of nights! But when has enough become enough?
If you feel alcohol has taken over your emotional and psychological physic please contact your community AA program. 

Alcoholics Anonymous-
127 Edwin St North
Croydon NSW
(02)9799 1199

  Written by Emma Toohey

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