Thursday 20 September 2012


^ If you recognise these lyrics, I salute you!
The Sex Pistols have always been one of my favourite bands, not so much for their association with the punk scene but I just genuinely like their music and a lot of what they stand for. I don't consider myself a punk or an anarchist by any means what-so-ever but I am extremely interested in the culture that surrounds the music and the people involved in this way of life.
In year 9 my best friend and I were obsessed with punk music, especially after she moved to Melbourne and made friends with a group of "scum punks". The first time I went down to visit her and her new friends, I was completely shocked by their behaviour and couldn't believe that my friend was hanging out with these kind of people. They smelt like cheap beer and cigarettes, wore clothes with holes in it, were rude to random people on the street and had an intimidating 'gang' mentality about them, they swore consistently and would randomly break into song and scream out the lyrics of their favourite punk songs whenever they felt the need. They were always messing around, moshing with each other in random places and I guess just causing general 'anarchy' and scaring the general public. At first I felt uncomfortable because we would get strange looks from people, but because they are so un-phased by the outside world and carelessly outgoing it was soon hard to not be having fun. They opened up my mind to a whole new lifestyle and even though I could never live the way they do, I throughly enjoyed spending time with them for a brief time.
My friend started dating one of these punks and emersed herself in this life for almost a year but eventually things came crumbling down. Today she says she is so happy she got away from that group of people but we both agree that they taught us a lot about the world, not to care what others think and introduced us to some awesome music!


I found this website which gives a humorous explanation of Punks/ Anarcho-punks. The following extracts are from

Anarcho Punk

Being an anarcho punk is no easy task. First and foremost, it requires a lot of vocal endurance, as you will spend most of your waking hours bitching and whining about the government and establishment.
Secondly, it takes physical endurance. You can expect to take a few beatings from riot squad cops. Be sure to bring your camera though, so you can take pictures of yourself posing as a helpless victim of an unfair, oppressive, and corrupt system (which would surely dissapear, should anarchy be in place). Then you can give the pictures to an anarcho punk magazine that nobody reads so you can be a martyr for all punks everywhere.
Lastly, a lot of mental stamina is required. You will be constantly thinking -- using every bit of brainpower you can -- of new ways to feel oppressed and victimized. This is quite possibly the hardest task of all, as not many people have this kind of mental discipline.


Since anarchy is about freedom, you need to convince everyone else to think the same way you do, because they won't be free unless they think exactly like you. Just be really confident about it, that way you won't have to have many valid arguments, they'll just take your word for it. If you have the chance, be sure to name off the strong points of, well...hmm. I'll get back to you on that. Like I was saying, if you see someone eating meat, be sure to scream at them and spit on their food. This will definitely convince them that "meat is murder" and shouldn't be eaten.
Shove your opinions in others people's faces constantly, reminding them that our fascist nation won't ever be free unless everyone is forced to think the same. Hand out documents on how anarchy benefited factory workers in Chile for 2 weeks, or how anarchy WOULD have worked during the Spanish Civil War if only it hadn't NOT worked. Be sure to quote Emma Goldman all the time, even if you don't know who she is.


Listen to bands like Conflict, Crass, Rudimentary Peni, Flux of the Pink Indians...etc. Make sure your iPod Touch is loaded to the brim with anarcho-punk music. If you forget your iPod, just hum the tunes of your favorite songs or sing the lyrics out loud...otherwise how will other anarchists know how committed you are?

This post by Laura Bunning

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