Thursday 27 September 2012

Pirates are the next big thing

 When it comes to subcultures, trends play a major part in the development of a new seemingly exclusive "in" thing.

After a long period of pondering it suddenly dawned upon me: Pirates will become the new "in" thing... Not that they were ever out.

History has been proven to repeat itself, especially in regards to subcultures and the fashion trends that critically accompany them and shape their identity.

In regards to pop culture (arguably the largest subculture to ever walk planet Earth, second only to Apes) it makes perfect sense. As we move forward in time, we move backwards in fashion. So keeping my theory in mind it will not be anymore than 2 decades before "Evil Pirate Children" grow up and form the collective subculture known only as "Pirates".

 That's cool. I think it will be more about the interest in tall ships and 3/4 trousers that will tie this group of lovely patch wearing, parrot carrying members of the future together - rather than looting, rape and treasure. I think.

Remember this post. In 20 years you will all think, "Fuck there's a lot of Pirates out tonight..!"


Until then; Love Pirates y'all.

By Peter Hughes

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