Thursday 27 September 2012

Bodybuilding and all things tan!

Is it just me or has society become so obsessed in the image we portray? Bodybuilding has literally taken over mainstream society with both men and woman becoming self obsessed and gym junkies! An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a "bodybuilder". Bodybuilding is a form of physical activity that involves intensive muscle hydrotherapy, this type of individual is obsessed in ones appearance with them being on a strict diet regime that consist of vegetables, protein shakes and lean meats. Bodybuilding has even become dare i say it.... A "competitive sport" as bodybuilders show off their lean and tone bodies in front of a panel of judges. Within the preparation of this competition both men and woman will tan there bodies in a ridiculous amounts of tan until they look like a bronze medallions.. not the most attractive look. But yet it has become the latest rage, i look forward to the end of this pretentious so called "sport" to phase out.

 Written by Emma Toohey

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