Tuesday 18 September 2012


Fanatics and fans are evidently depicted throughout society today, a fan can be obsessed with a sports group, Celebrities, hobbies, genres or fashion. Nevertheless there can be different levels of Fandom, with the first level being a fan. Which involves a person who supports a liking towards to celebrity, sports group, band or hobby. They may show their enthusiasm by buying a CD produced by their favourite band, wearing a sports jersey of their sporting team or even writing fan mail.

Lets admit it have all conformed to the idea of being a fan in some form or way, lets just say my dad is a fan of the West Tigers NRL team. He is committed to watching every game and lets just say he thinks he is Tim Sheens when it comes to his emotional involvement of the team, with his standard yelling at the TV which portrays his emotional attachment to the team.

But when does enough become enough when it comes to the idea of Fandom? Religion fanatics, movie fanatics and celebrity fanatics seem to be obsessed with the idea of subcultural acts. Religious fanatics are becoming more popular within main stream societies today, as their obsession in religious beliefs are becoming stronger and feel the need to "share the love"through protests, religious blogging and persuasion onto peers.

I am the first to admit that i am a huge Harry Potter fan! but i wouldn't say i would casually dress up as Hermione in my spare time, what really makes you a fanatic in today's society?

Emma Toohey

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