Wednesday 26 September 2012

Fantastical world of the Otherkins!

This is probably one of the most bizarre subcultures I've ever heard about, but probably the one i'de most likely like to be apart of and have connections with because I love the idea of fantasy worlds, books and movies! Otherkins are a bunch of people who think are both human and non-human! This can be in a Spiritual, Mental, Soul or even sometimes Physical (but there is a lot of scepticism around this) way. This 'other part' of the human is called a Kin. 

This is a picture of a Heptagram; many Otherkin's use this symbol as an identifier!

The most common groups or Kin are: Dragon, Weres, Angelic/Angelkin, Demon & Fae. Also Vampires. Some more “Rare” kin are Unicorn/Alicorn, Gryphons, Mermaids, Phoenix, Draconcats (thanks to for this list)

This is an illustration taken from the Otherkin Alliance website

If I were ever to become an Otherkin, I would definitely be a mermaid! They are the coolest. 

Or maybe a Unicorn? Everyone knows Unicorns are great. 
I love deh Unicornzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

To identify your Otherkin Species, vist this link:

By Laura Bunning

1 comment:

  1. This is kinda not what otherkin is about I am a otherkin. Otherkin is never physical just mentally or spiritual you also can't become otherkin you need to be born one but this kinda what its about
